Friday, December 24, 2010

Boys asthma attack indused by ex's "friend request" activity

By Casey M.
Dec 24 2010

Watch out asthmatics. Italian doctors warn that Facebook can possibly induse asthma attacks in some users. Gennaro D'Amato and treated an 18-year-old whose asthma attacks were apparently sparked by logging into Facebook and seeing how many men his ex-girlfriend had friended. The man had been using 2 different type of steriod inhalers to treat his asthma but when his girlfriend broke up with him and also did the unthinkable, un-friended him, his condition got the best of him. After making a new Facebook page using a fake username he re-friended his ex-girlfriend but the stress and agony of seeing all of her new male friends was too much for him to handle. "The sight of this seemed to induce (shortness of breath), which happened repeatedly on the patient accessing her profile," wrote D'Amato of the High Specialty Hospital A Cardarelli in Naples, Italy.  After seeing and cosulting a psychiatrist (wow), the man decided not to log into Facebook any more.

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