Friday, December 31, 2010

Man arrested for punching teenager on a plane

Kids these days ...

Police in Boise, Idaho, arrested a 68-year-old man on Tuesday for reportedly punching a 15-year-old boy who refused to turn off his iPhone on a flight.

"He punched him so hard there was a mark on the teen's arm," Lt. Kent Lipple told a local news station.

The teenager, on a Las Vegas-to-Boise flight operated by Southwest, was playing games and listening to music, police say, when flight attendants told passengers to power down electronic devices.

Russell Miller, witnesses said, became angry that the teen didn't respond.

Miller says he "tapped" the teen on the shoulder after he refused to turn off the phone. He told the Idaho
Statesman that he may have "overreacted," but that he did not punch the teen.

After the incident, pilots contacted air-traffic control, who requested that police officers be waiting at the gate upon arrival.

Miller was charged with misdemeanor battery and booked in jail.

Jewler loses $400,000 on a bet

A North Carolina jewelry store owner made a $400,000 bet against a white Christmas — and lost.

Alan Perry, owner of Perry's Emporium in Wilmington, promised refunds for everything bought at his store between Nov. 26 and Dec. 11 if more than three inches of snow fell in Asheville on Christmas Day. The city got more than six inches.

Perry says the total payout for customers will be around $400,000. He says he paid for an insurance policy that will cover the refunds.

Perry is undaunted by losing the bet. He says he's thinking of a similar promotion for Valentine's Day, based on how much snow Asheville gets on Feb. 14.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Runaway groom: Pissed off bride sues ex-fiance for $100k

Dominique Buttitta wanted to get married in style, so she spared no expense on her upcoming nuptials: $30,000 to reserve a banquet hall outside Chicago; $11,000 for flowers and spot lighting; $10,000 for an orchestra; $5,000 on her wedding dress and veil.

As Buttitta excitedly continued preparations, the costs kept mounting. Then, four days before the big day, her fiance called the Oct. 2 wedding off.

With such short notice, she could not recover most the money she had spent — so the 32-year-old lawyer is suing. In a civil suit filed a few weeks ago in Illinois, she accuses Vito Salerno, 31, of “breach of promise to marry” and intentional infliction of emotional distress. She’s seeking more than $95,000 in damages, plus the costs of filing the suit.

How are Buttitta’s chances in court? Not bad at all, according to attorney, feminist and activist Gloria Allred. “Many states would permit her to recoup her out-of-pocket costs for the wedding preparations,” Allred said, citing the legal theory of “detrimental reliance.”

“She relied on their joint decision regarding the marriage ceremony and party, and spent her own funds on her reliance on his representation,” Allred explained. “If he backs out, he should pay her back. 

Neither Buttitta nor Salerno granted rviews to One of Buttitta’s three attorneys wrote in an e-mail that Buttitta is “suffering from the flu and has consequently lost her voice. Upon her recovery, we anticipate responding.”

Salerno’s lawyer, Vincent Stark, has instructed his client not to speak to reporters, but described the lawsuit’s claims as “false allegations.” He also said the damages the suit seeks for infliction of emotional distress are “not recoverable” under Illinois law.

Stark said he filed a request with the court last week asking the case be ruled by a jury rather than a judge, should it go to trial. “I’m always optimistic to settle the case before it goes to trial,” he said

Arrest made in theft of video game system from boy's casket

Police have arrested a Pennsylvania man who they say stole a hand-held video game system and accessories from the casket of a teen who was killed in a Christmas Day SUV crash.

State police say they got an anonymous tip that enabled them to arrest 37-year-old Jody Lynn Bennett, of Mentcle, on Wednesday. He was unable to post $15,000 bond and was jailed after his arraignment on charges including theft, abuse of a corpse, and intentional desecration of a venerated object.

Police say Bennett grabbed the items from the casket of 17-year-old Bradley McCombs during a viewing Monday night at a funeral home in Montgomery Township, about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
Bennett's mother, Sharon, says her son has a drug problem. She apologized for his actions.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The top 5 bizarre news events of 2010

Each year sees its share of bizarre stories, but it seemed like 2010 was overflowing with "you've got to be kidding me!" moments. Perhaps the proliferation of social media has made the quirky behavior of a few more accessible to the masses in warp speed -- but whatever the reason for the uptick in news of the weird, we're grateful for the fodder. Here are The Lookout's five oddest news events of 2010.
1. Paul the Octapus: The World Cup commands far and away the largest global following of any major sporting event. But no one could have predicted that an undersea creature would be among the most canny prognosticators of World Cup outcomes. Then again, perhaps it stands to reason that a sport so focused on leg agility should earn the close attention of an eight-legged animal.


It was clear, in any event, that Paul was no ordinary octopus. He correctly predicted the outcome of every match played by Germany, in addition to the final between Spain and the Netherlands. Paul became such a juggernaut, in fact, that German fans actually revolted and threatened to eat him when he correctly picked Germany to fall to Spain in the semifinals. Unfortunately, like many celebrities, Paul died young in October at the age of 2 1/2. Some stars shine so brightly that they burn out way too soon.
2. The Chilean miners: It's unfortunately a common occurrence for miners to get trapped underground--but it's unheard of for their captivity to result in so many happy endings. All of the 33 miners trapped in a mine in Chile for 2 months not only survived, but became regular fixtures on news programs and even morphed into international celebrities.


Miner Edison Peña was the breakout star. In an appearance on CBS' "Late Show," Peña regaled David Letterman and his audience with his hilarious Elvis impression, endearing him to millions of American viewers.
3. Volcanic ash: Who would have thought that an ash cloud from an Icelandic volcano could cause the biggest slowdown in the airline industry since the terror attacks on 9/11? But hey, it actually happened.

Yes, the enormous ash cloud produced by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano hovered for days above the earth, capable of destroying the engines of any jet that dared to pass through it. As a result of the mass cancellations of flights throughout Europe, thousands of air travelers around the world were stranded for days.
4. The midterm elections: Perhaps it had something to do with the sluggish economy and the generally dour national mood, but this year's elections seem to have inspired more wacky, gaffe-prone candidates to come out of the woodwork than any time in recent memory.
From candidates for high office quite literally running from reporters to avoid questions, and producing a new subgenre of political ads showcasing a candidate's marksmanship skills, 2010 was a year in American politics few observers will soon forget.
5. Steven Slater: When word began to spread on a Monday afternoon last April that a JetBlue flight attendant had -- in a fit of rage after an altercation with a passenger -- exited the plane via an emergency chute, the nation seemed instantly captivated.
But this surpassingly weird story has an even weirder epilogue. In the post-Jet Blue phase of his career, Steven Slater has become a rapper. Here's a sampling of lyrics from one of his songs.

Climb into the cockpit...
And throw all the switches...
Now you're using Line 2...
I'm Steven Slater b*tches.
We doubt there's any better way of summing up 2010, the ineffably weird year that was.

Has the Mythical Chupacabra finally been found?

A Kentucky farmer has shot a hideous-looking four-legged creature on his property, raising speculation once again about the chupacabra, a legendary livestock killer.

While the hairless beast might be nothing more than a coyote with mange, authorities still don't know what it was -- and it does indeed look otherworldly.

Mark Cothern of Nelson County happened to spot the unusual dog-like animal from his porch and didn't take any chances, reports.
Kentucky chupacabra?
A Kentucky farmer has shot a hideous-looking four-legged creature on his property, raising speculation once again about the chupacabra, a legendary livestock killer.

"Well, it's something strange, so I got my rifle to shoot it, get a closer look. And I'm glad I did, 'cause I don't know what it is," Cothern said.

Some researchers are convinced reports of this and similar creatures have a fairly simple explanation: They are most likely coyotes that have been infected by tiny parasites, or mites, causing an infection -- mange -- that results in the animal's hair falling out and shriveled skin. Laura Higgason of the Humane Society and Animal Control in Nelson County, Ky., doesn't think it was a coyote that Cothern killed on his property.

"This animal is too small to be a coyote, but I saw the photos, and it looks like it's probably a raccoon or an opossum with mange," Higgason said.

"It's not a mysterious animal. A cat's got retractable claws, and this you can see the claws," she said.

DNA testing by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is expected to solve the mystery of the animal's identity.

UFO's sighted in New Zealand just days after files released

Could New Zealand become a new hot spot for close encounters?

Just days after New Zealand authorities released 2,000 pages of previously classified UFO X-Files , mysterious lights were spotted over three locations.

New Zealand's news service reports that on Sunday, Boxing Day in that country, unexplained orange and red lights appeared above Napier, Taranaki and Christchurch.

One eyewitness, Allan White watched one of the UFOs with his family, "I just thought it was a bright orange light in the sky, and then it started moving towards us," White said. "After it flew past, there were half a dozen adults there. We all considered it could have been a UFO. Nobody had seen anything like that before."

The spectators described seeing flashing lights on the unknown object.

Shortly after that report, Fraser Duncan, a tutor at the Eastern Institute of Technology, saw four orange objects over the night sky of Napier. He said they were flying in formation and made no sound.

"I have never seen anything like this in my life. It was definitely not a plane, not a meteor and not stars."

Another eyewitness to this weekend's lights in the sky was Lloyd McFadden, a television cameraman who, coincidentally, filmed the Kiwi country's most famous UFO sighting in 1978 near the town of Kaikoura, on New Zealand's South Island.

On Sunday night, McFadden watched as 10 orange and red lights moved slowly and silently in the sky above his Christchurch home.

"There was absolutely no sound and they were flying too slow to be an aircraft. I would really like to know what they were."

The Canterbury Astronomical Society on South Island thinks the UFOs have a pretty simple explanation.

"I am certainly saying they were satellites," said observatory director Adrian Kelly.

Cops: Man playing real-life 'Frogger' hit by SUV

A man has been hospitalized after police in South Carolina say he was hit by an SUV while playing a real-life version of the video game "Frogger."

Authorities said the 23-year-old man was taken to a hospital in Anderson after he was struck at around 9 p.m. Monday.

In the "Frogger" arcade game, players move frogs through traffic on a busy road and through a hazard-filled river. Before he was hit, police say the man had been discussing the game with his friends.

Chief Jimmy Dixon says the man yelled "go" and darted into oncoming traffic in the four-lane highway.
No charges are expected against the driver. The name of the man who was struck has not been released. He was in stable condition Monday night.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Serial Breast Squeezer Arrestted

I guess what she was doing was pretty bad but how drunk were the women in the bars that let her give them breast exams?

An Idaho judge has set bond at $100,000 for a Boise woman police say posed as a physician and duped at least two other women into having their breasts examined by her at Boise-area nightclubs.
Kristina Ross, 37, remains in Ada County Jail in Boise on two felony counts of practicing medicine without a license.

Police say Ross introduced herself to victims — one at a downtown Boise bar and the other at a nightclub in a Boise suburb — as a plastic surgeon named Berlyn Aussieahshowna, a name that turned out to be bogus.

The two women told Boise officers they believed Ross was a physician because of her apparent medical knowledge, and they agreed to undergo what they thought were breast exams, which happened at the bars.
As part of her ruse, Ross gave the women the telephone number of a real licensed plastic surgeon in Boise, the state capital, authorities said.

Staff at that medical office became alarmed at the number of calls they received from women in recent weeks attempting to confirm appointments or surgeries with a Berlyn Aussieahshowna, according to charging documents.

Medical workers on Tuesday alerted Boise police about the pattern, and they later arrested Ross.
The suspect’s gender is unclear. Idaho court records show that Ross was arrested for petty theft in the spring and that the arrest warrant was issued to a Kristoffer Jon Ross.

The Idaho Statesman website reported that Ross has a previous criminal record as a man but identifies herself as a woman and was booked into Ada County Jail as a female.

Cosmetic surgical procedures Ross discussed with victims after she touched their breasts under the guise of a medical evaluation included breast augmentation and liposuction.

The court on Wednesday found Ross was eligible for a public defender and set a preliminary hearing on the two felony charges for Dec. 1. If convicted, Ross could face a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 for each count.

Ski lift in Maine falls, several injured

 A chair lift derailed at Maine's tallest ski mountain Tuesday, sending skiers plummeting 50 feet to the slope below and injuring several people, officials and a witness said.

The Sugarloaf resort in Carrabassett Valley, about 120 miles north of Portland, said on its Facebook page that there were about eight injuries and that its patrols were evacuating the lift.

Most of the injuries appeared to be minor, it said. At least two people were whisked to the nearest hospital, 45 miles away, by ambulance.

Jay Marshall, who was on a lift next to the broken one, told The Associated Press that both lifts stopped, then restarted. Almost immediately he saw a problem, then heard screams.

"The lift started again. I looked to my left and could see the cable bouncing up and down. I could see that the cable had come off the (track wheels)," he said.

The spot where the cable jumped its track was about 50 feet above the snow. Some skiers tumbled from their chairs, he said.

"Once the thing started bouncing up and down beside me, I stopped looking. I didn't want to see it, honestly," Marshall said. "It was terrifying."

A spokeswoman for Franklin Memorial Hospital about in Farmington said two injured people were on their way and it was possible more injured people could arrive.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Student streaks across field to protest tutiton increase

If you ever want to draw attention to your cause, drop your trousers in the name of it.
It lets the world know your serious.
But for god's sake, don't paint dirty words on your body -- it means you won't get your picture printed in lots of places, and will be heavily edited in others.
Like here.
This streaker, who interrupted a Varsity Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University at Twickenham Stadium (real place, I checked) last week, was apparently upset over rising tuition fees in England.
They could go up from 3,290 pounds to 9,000 pounds.
That's around 80 billion U.S. dollars, according to Weird News Headquarters' very scientific calculations.
This streaker actually hits on two major weird news themes: running around naked at a sports event, and naked rugby.

Study shows: Ugly underwear can ruin your day

Women own an average of 21 pairs of underwear, and many say an ill-fitting or ugly pair can ruin their day, a new survey shows.

"We know that bad hair days can affect women's moods, but who knew that bad underwear days could also ruin their day," says Lisa Lee Freeman, editor in chief of ShopSmart magazine, from the publisher of Consumer Reports. Their research center conducted a telephone survey of 1,008 women 18 and older about intimate apparel.

Almost half of women (47%) say they feel sexier and more confident wearing a nice or special pair of panties. "The first thing we put on in the morning does make a difference in our day," Freeman says.
Women have three weeks of worth of underwear, she says. "That's means we don't want to have to do our laundry as often."

Among the findings reported in the January issue:

•27% say their mood is affected by wearing an ill-fitting or unattractive pair of undies.
•10% of women own 35 or more pairs.
•65% buy neural colors, with white being the most popular, followed by black and beige.
•Overall, 46% of women say briefs are the style they wear the most often. But women age 18-34 are more likely to wear the bikini style.
•56% of women fold their panties; 27% just toss them in the drawer.
•1 in 10 women admit that they will venture out of the house without underwear.
•Half of women have complaints about the way their underwear fit, with "wedgies" (30%) topping that list, followed by "doesn't lay flat under clothes" (19%) and "not enough coverage in the rear" (14%).

Celebrites' real names

Have you ever wondered why celebrities' names seem so perfect? I have! And guess what? Its cause their names aren't really their names at all. Heres a list of stars who were born with different names than appear in the credits.

ITunes Gift CardA
Alan Alda = Alphonso D'Abruzzo
Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg
Muhammad Ali = Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
Julie Andrews = Julia Elizabeth Wells
Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz
Chet Atkins = Chester B. Atkins
Frankie Avalon = Francis Thomas Avalonne

Lauren Bacall = Betty Joan Perske
Anne Bancroft = Anna Maria Italiano
Brigitte Bardot = Camille Javal
Pat Benatar = Patricia Andrejewski
Tony Bennett = Anthony Benedetto
Jack Benny = Benjamin Kubelsky
Tom Berenger = Thomas Michael Moore
Chuck Berry = Charles Edward Anderson Berry
Billy The Kid = William H. Bonney
Robert Blake = Michael Gubitosi
Jon Bon Jovi = John Francis Bongiovi
Bono (U2) = Paul Hewson
Sonny Bono = Salvatore Phillip Bono
David Bowie = David Robert Jones
Boy George = George Alan O'Dowd
Charles Bronson = Charles Buchinski
Albert Brooks = Albert Einstein
Mel Brooks = Melvin Kaminsky
George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
Ellen Burstyn = Edna Gilhooley
Richard Burton = Richard Jenkins

Nicholas Cage = Nicholas Coppola
Michael Cain = Maurice Micklewhite
Maria Callas = Maria Kalogeropoulos
Eric Carr (Kiss) - Paul Charles Caravello
Vikki Carr = Florencia Casillas
Ray Charles = Ray Charles Robinson
Chubby Checker = Ernest Evans
Cher = Cherilyn Sarkisian
Eric Clapton - Eric Patrick Clapp
Patsy Cline = Virginia Patterson Hensley
Claudette Colbert = Lily Chauchoin
Nat King Cole = Nathaniel Adams Coles
Chuck Connors = Kevin Joseph Connors
Robert Conrad = Conrad Robert Falk
Alice Cooper = Vincent Furnier
Gary Cooper = Frank James Cooper
David Copperfield = David Kotkin
Howard Cosell = Howard Cohen
Elvis Costello = Declan Patrick McManus
Lou Costello = Louis Cristillo
Joan Crawford = Lucille Le Sueur
Michael Crawford = Michael Dumble-Smith
Bing Crosby = Harry Lillis Crosby
Tom Cruise = Thomas Cruise Mapother IV
Tony Curtis = Bernard Schwartz

Rodney Dangerfield = Jacob Cohen
Bobby Darin = Walden Waldo Robert Cassotto
John Denver = John Henry Deutschendorf
Donovan = Donovan Phillip Leitch
Doris Day = Doris von Kappelhoff
James Dean = James Byron
John Denver = Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.
Bo Derek = Mary Cathleen Collins
Danny DeVito = Daniel Michaeli
Angie Dickinson = Angeline Brown
Bo Diddley = Otha Elias Bates McDaniel
Vin Diesel = Mark Vincent
Phyllis Diller = Phyllis Driver
Fats Domino = Antoine Domino
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch
Bob Dylan = Robert Zimmerman

Sheena Easton = Sheena Shirley Orr
The Edge (U2) = David Howell Evans
Elvira = Cassandra Paterson
Eminem - Marshall Bruce Mathers III
Enya = Eithne Ni Bhraonain
David Essex = David Albert Cook

Morgan Fairchild = Patsy McClenny
Adam Faith = Terence Nelhams
Fatboy Slim = Quentin Cook (aka Norman Cook)
Sally Field = Sally Mahoney
W.C. Fields = William Claude Dukenfield
Jodie Foster = Alicia Christian Foster
Michael J. Fox = Michael Andrew Fox
Connie Francis = Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero
Billy Fury = Ronald Wycherley

Greta Garbo = Greta Gustafsson
Judy Garland = Frances Gumm
James Garner = James Bumgarner
Crystal Gayle = Brenda Gayle Webb
Bobbie Gentry = Roberta Streeter
Kathie Lee Gifford = Kathie Epstein
Whoopie Goldberg = Caryn Johnson
Cary Grant = Archibald Leach

Hammer = Stanley Kirk Burrell
Laurence Harvey = Laruschka Skikne
Rita Hayworth = Margarita Cansino
Jimi Hendrix = Johnny Allen Hendrix
Pee-Wee Herman = Paul Reubenfeld
Barbara Hershey = Barbara Herzstine
Hulk Hogan = Terry Gene Bollea
Billie Holliday = Eleanora Fagan
Buddy Holly = Charles Hardin Holley
Bob Hope = Leslie Townes Hope
Harry Houdini = Ehrich Weiss
Rock Hudson = Roy Scherer Jr.
Engelbert Humperdinck = Arnold George Dorsey

Janis Ian = Janis Eddy Fink
Ice Cube = Oshea Jackson
Ice-T = Tracy Morrow
Billy Idol = William Broad
Iggy Pop = James Jewell Osterberg, Jr.
Burl Ives = Burle Icle Ivanhoe

David Janssen = David Meyer
Elton John = Reginald Dwight
Don Johnson = Donald Wayne
Al Jolson = Asa Yoelson
Brian Jones (Rolling Stones) = Lewis Brian Hopkins-Jones
Jenny Jones = Janina Stranski
Tom Jones = Thomas Woodward
Wynonna Judd = Christina Ciminella

Boris Karloff = William Henry Pratt
Danny Kaye = David Kaminsky
Diane Keaton = Diane Hall
Michael Keaton = Michael Douglas
Chaka Khan = Carole Yvette Marie Stevens
Carole King = Carole Klein
Larry King = Larry Zeigler
Ben Kingsley = Krishna Banji
Nastassja Kinski = Nastassja Naksyznyski
Billy J Kramer (The Dakotas) = William H Ashton
Kris Kristofferson = Kris Carson

Cheryl Ladd = Cheryl Stoppelmoor
Veronica Lake = Constance Ockleman
Dorothy Lamour = Mary Kaumeyer
Michael Landon = Eugene Orowitz
Mario Lanza = Alfredo Arnold Cocozza
Queen Latifah = Dana Owens
Stan Laurel = Arthur Jefferson
Steve Lawrence = Sidney Leibowitz
Brenda Lee = Brenda Mae Tarpley
Bruce Lee = Lee Yuen Kam
Spike Lee = Shelton Jackson Lee
Jay Leno = James Douglas Muir Leno
Huey Lewis = Hugh Cregg
Jerry Lewis = Joseph Levitch
Liberace = Wladziu Lee Valentino
Jack Lord = John Joseph Ryan
Sophia Loren = Sophia Scicoloni
Peter Lorre = Laszio Lowenstein
Courtney Love = Michelle Harrison
Bela Lugosi = Bela Ferenc Blasko
Lulu = Marie Lawrie

Shirley MacLaine = Shirley Beaty
Elle MacPherson = Eleanor Gow
Madonna = Madonna Louise Ciccone
Lee Majors = Harvey Lee Yeary II
Karl Malden = Mladen Sekulovich
Mama Cass Elliot (Mamas & Papas) = Ellen Naomi Cohen
Manfred Mann = Manfred Lubowitz
Barry Manilow = Barry Alan Pincus
Jayne Mansfield = Vera Jane Palmer
Marilyn Manson = Brian Warner
Walter Matthau = Walter Matuschanskayasky
Dean Martin = Dino Crocetti
Groucho Marx = Julius Henry Marx
Meat Loaf = Marvin Lee Aday
Freddie Mercury (Queen) = Frederick Farookh Bulsara
Ethel Merman = Ethel Zimmerman
George Michael = Georgios Panayiotou
Joni Mitchell = Roberta Joan Anderson
Moby = Richard Melville Hall
Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortenson (later Baker)
Demi Moore = Demetria Guynes
Rita Moreno = Rosita Alverio
Harry Morgan = Harry Bratsburg

Chuck Norris = Carlos Ray
Andre Norton = Mary Alice Norton
Notorious B.I.G. = Christopher Wallace

Ozzy Osbourne = John Michael Osbourne

Jack Palance = Walter Palanuik
Bernadette Peters = Bernadette Lazzaro
Edith Piaf = Edith Giovanna Gassion
Slim Pickens = Louis Lindley
Mary Pickford = Gladys Smith
Stephanie Powers = Stefania Federkiewicz
Prince = Prince Rogers Nelson

Tony Randall = Leonard Rosenberg
Johnnie Ray = John Alvin
Donna Reed = Donna Belle Mullenger
Della Reese = Delloreese Patricia Early
Cliff Richard = Harry Rodger Webb
Joan Rivers = Joan Sandra Molinsky
Edward G. Robinson = Emmanuel Goldenberg
Sugar Ray Robinson = Walker Smith, Jr.
Ginger Rogers = Virginia McMath
Mickey Rooney = Joe Yule Jr.
Axl Rose (Guns N Roses) = William Bruce Rose
Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols) = John Lydon
Winona Ryder = Winona Horowitz

Susan Sarandon = Susan Tomaling
Telly Savalas = Aristotle Savalas
Jane Seymour = Joyce Frankenberg
Del Shannon = Charles Weedon Westover
Omar Sharif = Michael Shalhoub
Charlie Sheen = Carlos Irwin Estevez
Martin Sheen = Ramon Estevez
Talia Shire = Talia Coppola
Sinbad = David Atkins
Eric Singer (Kiss) = Eric Mensinger
Slash = Saul Hudson
Slim Dusty = David Gordon Kirkpatrick
Dusty Springfield = Mary Isobel Catherine O'Brien
Suzanne Somers = Suzanne Mahoney
Robert Stack = Robert Modini
Barbara Stanwyck = Ruby Stevens
Sylvester Stallone = Michael Sylvester Enzio Stallone
Ringo Starr = Richard Starkey
Cat Stevens = Yusef Islam
Connie Stevens = Concetta Ingolia
Sting = Gordon Sumner
Donna Summer = La Donna Gaines

Mr. T = Lawrence Tero
Robert Taylor = Spangler Arlington Brugh
Danny Thomas = Muzyad Yakhoob
Tiny Tim = Herbert Khaury
Rip Torn = Elmore Rual Torn Jr.
Randy Travis = Randy Traywick
Sophie Tucker = Sophia Kalish
Tina Turner = Annie Mae Bullock
Mark Twain = Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Twiggy = Leslie Hornby

The Undertaker = Mark Calloway

Rudolph Valentino = Rudolpho D'Antonguolla
Frankie Valli (Four Seasons) = Frank Castelluccio
Sid Vicious = John Simon Ritchie

John Wayne = Marion Morrison
Sigourney Weaver = Susan Alexandra Weaver
Raquel Welch = Raquel Tejada
Gene Wilder = Jerome Silberman
Shelley Winters = Shirley Schrift
Stevie Wonder = Stevland Morris
Natalie Wood = Natasha Gurdin
Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones) = William Perks
Tammy Wynette = Wynette Pugh

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Old, Dying Man chased 50 miles by California police

The Cabral Chrysler dealership in Manteca, Calif., was so desperate for a sale in October that one of its employees picked up potential customer Donald Davis, 67, at his nursing home, brought the pajamas-and-slippers-clad, dementia-suffering resident in to sign papers, handed him the keys to his new pickup truck (with the requested chrome wheels!), and sent him on his way (even tossing Davis' wheelchair into the truck's bed as Davis sped away).

Shortly afterward, Davis led police on a high-speed chase 50 miles from Manteca. He was stopped and detained (but at a hospital the next morning, he passed away from heart failure). The Cabral salesman said Davis had called him twice the day before, insisting on buying a new truck.

Need a Girlfriend? Don't worry there's an App for that

People have been looking for love in all the wrong places. But now, they need look no further than the iPhone App Store.
South Korean programmers have released an iPhone app that gives cell phone owners regular messages from a digital girlfriend named Mina (who doesnt want a korean gf?) Launched by the company Nabix on Nov. 30, the app was downloaded 80,000 times per day when it was offered for free.

The "Honey it's me" app now sells for $1.99. That's still alot cheaper than getting a real girlfriend guys. Asians can always find a way to make me laugh.

Dont bring an Iphone to a knife fight

Police say that 20 year old Jerome Taylor was only trying to take care of a child after he was arrested for attempted robbery of a restaurant in New England, CT. Taylor wore a mask as he entered the Northern Indian restaurant on Wednesday afternoon. He pulled what the cooks thought was a gun and demanded money, according to the police. But the cooks grabbed knives and said they weren't handing anything over. Taylor became apologetic and told the cooks he was only kidding and that he needed money for his child, police said.

Taylor was gone by the time police arrived, but they caught up with him a short time later. Officers said Taylor confessed to the crime, but told them he didn't have a gun, but used an iPhone. The restaurant staff said they felt bad for Taylor and didn't want police to pursue charges, but officers arrested him anyway, charging him with attempted robbery and interfering with an officer.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Classified UFO reports released by New Zealand

Mysterious lights in the sky and even a flying saucer are among the reported UFO sightings detailed in classified documents released by New Zealand's military this week.

The thousands of documents cover more than 50 years of New Zealanders' reports of encounters with unidentified flying objects.

Most files suggest natural explanations for the sightings, including meteors and reflections off boat lights.

Among the reports was one from a man who wrote a letter in 1955 to inform authorities he had seen flying saucers, even witnessing one take off.

The files also cover the country's best-known UFO mystery in 1978 in the southern island town of Kaikoura. A cargo plane reported strange lights following it and air traffic controllers detected radar blips that they could not explain.

The documents showed the government carefully took note of such reports, even if some citizens only received a polite thanks for their theories.

New Zealand's Defence Force released the files Wednesday under a freedom of information request.

Hmmmmm, I think I believe. Merry Christmas. 

Police: Santa didn't rob bar; Bartender Arrested

Its ok everybody, Santa Claus has been cleared of all charges.

Police in Rhode Island say a report that an armed man dressed as Santa, complete with white beard, robbed an East Providence bar last Sunday was nothing but a hoax.

Now the bartender at the East Providence Yacht Club who made the 911 call is facing charges.

Christal Johnson was released on personal recognizance after turning herself into police on Thursday to answer to a charge of making a false police report. The 37-year-old Johnston woman hid her face and refused to comment as she left the station.

Police say $1,500 to $3,000 is still missing from the bar and the investigation is continuing.

Sgt. Bruce Atwell says he's just glad that Santa can make his rounds without being chased by police.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Marijana Gumballs sold in highschools

This sure as heck made me laugh but federal drug agents aren't laughing about marijuana packaged in yellow, smiley-faced gumballs.
The "Greenades" gumballs were found in January at Howard High School in Ellicott City. The federal Drug Enforcement Agency recently released an intelligence bulletin about them.
"It's a new idea and it's new to the DEA," Gregory Lee, a special agent of the Drug Enforcement Agency, told The Baltimore Examiner. "When it comes to drug dealing, you're only limited by your imagination.
Police charged three 17-year-old students after a teacher alerted a school resource officer. She told the officer that she saw a student give a plastic bag that the teacher believed contained drugs to another student.
The officer seized the bag, which contained two "candy balls" wrapped in foil, police said. Instructions on the foil told users to chew for 30 minutes to 1 hour before they wanted to be high and to "chew for as long as possible, then swallow."
Officers charged two students with distribution of drugs on school property and a third with possession of marijuana but I think they should at least get a little credit for being more creative than 95% of the other kids going to that highschool. What do you guys think about the marijana gumballs??

Boys asthma attack indused by ex's "friend request" activity

By Casey M.
Dec 24 2010

Watch out asthmatics. Italian doctors warn that Facebook can possibly induse asthma attacks in some users. Gennaro D'Amato and treated an 18-year-old whose asthma attacks were apparently sparked by logging into Facebook and seeing how many men his ex-girlfriend had friended. The man had been using 2 different type of steriod inhalers to treat his asthma but when his girlfriend broke up with him and also did the unthinkable, un-friended him, his condition got the best of him. After making a new Facebook page using a fake username he re-friended his ex-girlfriend but the stress and agony of seeing all of her new male friends was too much for him to handle. "The sight of this seemed to induce (shortness of breath), which happened repeatedly on the patient accessing her profile," wrote D'Amato of the High Specialty Hospital A Cardarelli in Naples, Italy.  After seeing and cosulting a psychiatrist (wow), the man decided not to log into Facebook any more.

Welcome to Coffee Talk with Casey

Well first off I just want to thank everyone that is and will be following Coffee talk with Casey. Admittingly this is the first time in my life that I have ever attempted to write any of my own thoughts so bare with me and if you have any tips for me please let me know! Anyways the goal that I want to achieve with this blog is to post some of the amazing things that happen in our world everyday. This can range anywhere from stories that will make you laugh your pants off to stories that will make you cry. But one thing I can promise you is that you will not be bored with any mainstream mumbo-jumbo. Again thank you for your interest in Coffee Talk!!